martedì 29 gennaio 2013


i'll add some more picutre of the pices i made on lathe along the time, when i'll got some more kind Wood

Laburnum, commonly called golden chain, is a genus of two species of small trees in the subfamily Faboideae of the pea family Fabaceae. The species are Laburnum anagyroidescommon laburnum and Laburnum alpinumalpine laburnum. They are native to the mountains of southern Europe from France to the Balkan Peninsula

It was a man name Sbuccino, who ave me this larrnum pieces,
This wood in laburnum alpinum which is more bright then the anagyroides kind, tendenciosly balck..
Here in Italy we call it "Falso Ebano", false ebano wood, becose is color changin with sun oxidation into a black chocolate. Rally Good Wood.

Here the contropart, it's color tending to the yellow-green...brown king...

this pieces i turned was 20 cm large for 10 high..


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